Multinazionale leader a livello mondiale nella costruzione di macchine ed impianti per l’industria siderurgica, le Aziende del Gruppo progettano con tecnologia propria, costruiscono ed installano macchine ed impianti in tutto il mondo, fornendo sia singole unità che impianti chiavi in mano.
Target: Laureati magistrali del 2017 e del 2018 e laureandi in Ingegneria Meccanica/Production engineering and management/Ingegneria di processo e dei materiali/Ingegneria dell’energia elettrica e dei sistemi/Ingegneria elettronica e informatica
Soltanto chi verrà contattato potrà partecipare ai colloqui individuali.
Mercoledì 28 novembre 2018 , dalle ore 14:00 alle ore 18:00, presso il Contamination Lab (CLab), primo piano dell’Ex Ospedale Militare, in via Fabio severo 40, a Trieste, avrà luogo il “Recruiting day Danieli”. Sarà relatore Matteo Bigollo.
Job profile:
1) MECHANICAL DESIGNER (The Mechanical Designer typically works in an office setting, reviewing specifications and other data to develop mechanical layouts. Designers usually have working knowledge of mechanical parts as well as computer-aided design (CAD) software, such as AutoCAD. Some mechanical designers may travel to job sites or factories to take physical measurements of machinery and to observe production lines).
2) PROJECT MANAGER (The Project Manager will support project management activities and responsibilities, coordination, implementation, control and completion of the project, while remaining aligned with strategy, process, commitments and company goals).
3) PROCESS TECHNOLOGIST (The process technologist will be involved in the mechanical production in compliance with the required design quality standards by developing and optimizing the related production processes in terms of machinery, equipment, processing times and sequencing).
4) SALES PROPOSAL (The Jr. Sales Engineer is primarily responsible for providing technical support throughout the sales process. This includes designing and implementing complex data network solutions for the enterprise customers. As part of the sales team, the person will assist in the preparation and delivery of sales presentations, acting as a subject matter expert in all product/service offerings and contributing successfully to the conclusion of the sales cycle).
5) PROJECT ENGINEER (The Project Engineer’s job covers both design and project management. The Project Engineer’s role is the technical management of supplies that are engineered and manufactured for a turnkey order generally).
6) MECHANICAL/ELECTRICAL SUPERVISOR (The Supervisor will be involved in assistance to the Site Management on field installation coordination, in equipment improvement after start-up by identifying and handling any residual problems and in execution of control and monitoring activities on stopped/running equipment).
7) AUTOMATION & ELECTRICAL DESIGNER (The Automation & Electrical Designer works basically in the office or laboratory, reviewing Functional & Design Specification both HW and SW with the purpose to develop Electrical Drawings & Automation SW at the various Power and Automation Level (L1, L2, L3). Designers are usually skilled in how the mechanical equipment works and reading the proper mechanical drawings, by means of specialized electrical CAD SW and/or dedicated SW development tools, they are able to define the operating logic of a machine or a plant. Some of them often have to travel to site to install SW and to verify, after dedicated Factory Acceptance Test session, if the system works correctly).